They Say Your Eyes Are The Windows To Your Soul.
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I would like you to meditate on that for a minute or two.
And now let’s put a spin on it or rather tweak it a little for a while
What if I told you the state of your soul defines how much your eyes can see and therefore what you can perceive.
Your ability to manifest what you desire is highly correlated to how you perceive the world.
As a result, if you want to manifest better, faster and bigger, you need to widen and alter your perception of reality which means see things differently.
Well you got it: BY HEALING YOUR SOUL
By diving into your soul and getting acquainted with your thought patterns, how you feel around and removing the heaviness and low vibrations around what you desire, you will be led to a place of inner peace that is within you, your soul will feel free to vibe freely and will have more room to flourish and as a result will magnetise the object and/or subject of your dreams to you.
In From EYES TO SOUL bundle programme, I created daily pearls of wisdom that will help you gradually shift your thinking, heal your soul one step at a time and create more space for your dreams to take place and to call your desires.
What’s included:
23 Daily heart felt messages that have soothing energy but also that will give you the guidance and understanding you need to move forward in your path and create a reality of your design
Homeplay to do daily allowing you to go within and shift and create sustainable change
Specific guidance on how to address what is keeping you stuck
Meditations to listen to daily that will soothe you and will elevate your energy
Finalisation of the Manifestation journey through Group Session Zero In On What Is Hindering Your Manifestation
"I felt you opened up a breach! Light coming in"
Flo, Los Angeles, California
"I just realised I have a smile on my face"
Theresa, Australia
"It's been very enlightening as usual"
Malisa, San Jose, California
" Loved the live session today. I had so many visions towards the end of the session. The yuk stuff left, I am loving the energy"
Shivali, Canada
"OMG what an intense session it was. No wonder it was conducted by you. So it had to be an intense one. Honestly it was 11:30 at night here. I was damn sleepy but you directly take a hold of the subconscious. I was feeling every weight dropping that was on my energy body. Once again I have become your fan Sabrina. Thanks for making available such help for people who are trapped in the loop of the patterns "
Shweta, India