Does your story sound like this?
It started with the little things which you initially didn't pay attention to.
Less excitement in your day to day life, a feeling of having to abide by the rules for the sake of fitting in or at least not destroying all the work you spent so many years building and striving for.
And slowly but surely, day after day, month after month, year after year, the numbness to life crept in. And the pain and turmoil inside intensified.
And one day, it hit like a slap in the face.
Your love life turned into a mess. If you are in relationship, well it is falling apart and the word separation or even divorce might even be mentioned with your partner. In fact, you might start wondering if you know what true love actually means. If you are single, you start having serious doubt whether “the one” is actually just a myth.
Your career is showing signs of distress whether you are in a job or have a business. You are struggling internally with stress, anxiety and have no idea how to get a grip as it seems you are spiralling down often lately and you are worried your surrounding might start noticing if this is not the case already.
Your health starts to be affected, including back pain. You were convinced you were taking care of your well being and yet your body doesn’t want to cooperate any more
And you feel trapped. You thought all along you were ticking all the boxes to get it right. And now somehow you realised you got it all wrong. In fact worse than that, you feel you might even be regressing. And it doesn’t feel good at all.
And yet you are the type of person who goes all in. You are an action taker, you are not scared of hard work and you want to thrive.
Right now it feels more like you’re free falling and you have no idea how to escape this hole of despair that seems like it wants to gobble you up.
You might have developed some toxic compulsive coping mechanisms that have started to make you feel ashamed of yourself.
And you know you are ready for change.
You want change.
You want QUANTUM LEAP in your life and you’re not kidding. You want it all and rightfully so!
You already got a taste of Sabrina’s work and it resonated with you so much that you want to have Sabrina by your side as much as possible.
You understand that growth means more happiness, more love, more wealth and you believe into an ever-expanding experience of life in all areas.
You are not scared of walking through the fire of truth and facing all your inner demons with the guidance and support of Sabrina so that you can design, shape and manifest all of your desires at light speed.
This programme is perfect for someone desiring:
Clearing all the blocks that are holding you back from manifesting what you desire whether it is in your personal life or business
Improving your experience of life while eliminating anxiety and depression
All the strategic direction you need to go create the life of your dreams
Uncovering not the right way to manifest, but your own unique way that will be fulfilling, enjoyable and sustainable long term
To defy the odds and get big, life changing results
The Content
Preliminary Work
You will be given access to some powerful material to go through prior to starting the sessions which will act as an energy detox in order to start the Quantum Transformation programme
Phase 1 - Where it all started
After establishing what you would like to manifest, Sabrina will start her work by diving into your soul, and will explore and do a deep cleansing and healing of all the parts of you that have been repressed, suppressed, wounded, violated in your soul from childhood and beyond (karma, past lives, negativity from others that you carry without knowing) that affected your sense of self and is now affecting your adult life whether it is in your career and business or your love life.
By the end of this phase, you will start feeling the heaviness gone and the sense of pressure being transmuted into higher and more supportive energies. You will start seeing some major shifts in your life already.
Phase 2 - All the nook and Crannies
During these months, we will zoom in the areas of your life that you would like to alter and discover and undo all the patterns of your life that have kept you in a loop for years and that you haven't managed to break despite all your efforts, various training, classes or so-called "gurus" you have followed. You will finally be able to make the progress you wanted and get not only a sense of relief but also substantial progress in your life.
By the end of this phase, we will have undone all the debilitating patterns that kept you in a loop in the past. You will be seeing new doors opening for you and new opportunities will start opening up for you.
Phase 3 - The fire of truth
Truth has a very strong and high energy attached to it. As I will be working on you and your various levels of energy bodies, I will inject gradually an increasing amount of energies (truth, love, willpower) in your field. On a practical level, that means you will start being more perceptive about yourself, others, toxic relationship will fade away and you will start creating a healthier support system for you to grow, thrive and love. This phase will intensify the cleansing at a level that your body can now integrate as you will be used by then to the heightened energies in your system.
By the end of this phase, you will experience your life being reshaped entirely and have very healthy and solid foundations
Phase 4 - More Light, More fun, More Flow
During this healing phase, you are going to operate at a different energy level and therefore frequency. The work will focus on enhancing your energy and you will experience more flow and bliss in your life as a result.
By the end of this phase, you will have know how to command your energy to bend your reality at will and manifest whatever you desire at will whilst experiencing flow and ease.
Phase 5 - Let's Make its Super Quantum
This healing phase is aimed at creating a super quantum experience and create exponential growth for you.
By the end of this phase, you will be experiencing the life you wanted to manifest based on solid foundations and with the ability to cope with any new unexpected situation with your own personal formula.
Sessions with Sabrina are very strong in energy as she works with very high frequencies. She acts as a soul surgeon and will go very deep inside you to heal your wounds and your suffering in order for you to thrive and experience more abundance in all areas of your life.
She has a very direct approach and as one her clients rightfully said, she will “give it to you straight”
What makes Sabrina’s approach unique is her ability to zero in immediately what is at the root of your pain and suffering and addressing it very quickly thanks to her shamanic healing gift. Her clients report that Sabrina is able to dissect and heal the wounded parts of themselves that even the greatest spiritual masters haven’t been able to identify and address.
You need to be coachable and willing to do the work as you are obviously dedicated to your happiness
You want a quick fix and are neither willing nor ready to do the work.
You want someone to carry you. You want to be enabled.
Yes I want in Let's do this
Mastermind The Magic Circle
2 calls every other week: 1 live module for group healing and coaching with a theme that Sabrina will choose intuitively also in correlation with the energy of the group + 1 live coaching for 2 members (with 30min-45min of individual healing) Sabrina will intuitively pick. So overall 4 calls a month in total.
Unlimited access to me from Monday to Friday through private Facebook group for questions and constant support, etc.
Access to all courses and magic potions (existing and created) during the period of the Mastermind as part of the curriculum.
Opportunities to upgrade your network with like minded people with the same aspirations with other mastermind members.
Timeframe: 5 months, each phase will run over a month
Price: In full for $44,444 or customised payment plan (get in touch to discuss)
One To One
Multiple sessions over 10 months as deemed required by Sabrina during each healing phase. Typically, you can expect between 3 to 9 sessions a month, each of them lasting 60min. Sessions are performed through Zoom Video and you get a recording at the end of each session.
Support over 10 full months with unlimited access to Sabrina from Monday to Friday through messenger for questions and instant remote healing
Access to all courses and magic potions (existing and created) during the period of the Mastermind as part of the curriculum.
Timeframe: 10 months, each phase will run over 2 months
Price: In full for $222,222 or customised payment plan (get in touch to discuss)