We all have had a part of ourselves that we didn’t want to deal with. A part that brings shame, guilt, unease and a sense of inadequacy.
And if this is you, it might still be there.
A compulsive need to look away and/or focus on other things when the very one thing that needs your attention gets neglected OVER, OVER and OVER again.
You might convince yourself you will be dealing with it later, soon, in an hour, this afternoon, this evening, tomorrow and tomorrow never comes …
Because there is a deep heaviness, fear and pain intertwined with what it is that you don’t want to deal with. Your subconscious also knows that to have to face unpleasant truths and a sense of if I skip it and close my eyes and believe it will go away hard enough, it might actually happen …
Sorry to disappoint you … it won’t… you might get away with it for a little while but at some point, it will catch up with you.
Ask yourself what it is that you are avoiding here. Sometimes even this question might feel uncomfortable to you because it is already the beginning of uncovering the wound that you have been living with for a long time and that you have tried to numb by not looking into it …. which makes it worse in the long run as you know. Knowing that all the avoidance most likely happens at a subconscious level.
This is what creates procrastination, heaviness and lingering sadness in your being. And as a result prevents you from going out there and creating your wildest dreams.
Because before you even go there, you feel weighted down by the heaviness of what yo haven’t dealt with and because you have been subconsciously avoiding dealing with it, you feel stuck and powerless. Like you don’t know what to do.
So this becomes a vicious circle over and over and over again. Without knowing why.
Limitless You
This is exactly what Limitless You is going to help you with. Through a combination of very powerful group healing sessions in the modules and targeted individual healing in the Q&A sessions, you will experience a very intense healing, shift and upgrade to become that Limitless version of yourself.
Limitless You
I wouldn’t wait