🔮 5 min ago you felt on top of the world. Everything was flowing and life was wonderful. Things were coming your way without efforting. You felt you were finally THERE. You know ….that place of eternal bliss. Then all of a sudden boum. Drama happened.
You lost a loved one, the contract with the client fell through, unexpected expenses showed up screwing up your financial plans, you broke up with your partner with whom you thought you would spend the rest of your life, you got fired.
And now you feel nothing will never be the same any more…
🔮Why is that? Can’t you be happy? It feels so unfair…
Well at the heart of it all, when drama shows up unexpectedly, it is indicative of a deep sense of unworthiness, often times very well hidden at a subconscious level.
It can stem from abuse and bullying that you experienced as a child, or even be karmic if we define karma as unhealed energy, can come from family lineage as well.
Repeating to yourself over and over you are worthy can help to some level and I encourage to do so whether it is affirmations, listening to audios and attending personal development courses.
However in my experience it is about doing deep in-depth healing that will do it for real and for good. As you will then be releasing all of this heavy energy in your body cells and your energy field. This changes everything.
🔮 This is what I am helping my clients with and results have been drastic. You can make the choice today to make a difference in your life. You will not look back as your life will take off in a way that you have never expected.
You can start now. Ask yourself when was the first time something was taken away from you. How old were you? Who took it away from you? How did it make you feel? And then release it.
💖Start your healing journey and book your session now https://themagnificentabundancemanifestor.wpcomstaging.com/individual-sessions/ 💖