Once upon a time, you believed you could have it all. The love, the money, the business, the career, the happily ever after.
And then….
Then what happened?
You gave it all
Your passion, your thirst for growth, your dedication, your time, your energy
And like in the Greek mythology, Tantalus (the source of the English word tantalise) who was to stand in a pool of water beneath a fruit tree with low branches, whereby whenever he reached for the fruit, the branches raised his intended meal from his grasp, your life feels like a never-ending source of missed opportunities, almost there and then destroyed by some sort of odd out of nowhere type of circumstances despite all the efforts you made to get the results you wanted to create.
At that point, you’ve been through all sorts of emotions that run wild in you: disappointment, fatigue, despair, hopelessness, shame, feeling self defeated, even self hatred.
What is going on?
You know you are bright, talented and everybody around you seems to believe you have so many amazing things going on for you. Some might even envy you, look up to you.
And yet, if they knew…
If they knew how much pain you are in, the deep inner turmoil, the sadness, the struggle you are going through to keep it afloat.
Nobody knows.
Only you
And it’s heavy
Very heavy
Happily ever after feels like a dream you once had but that you barely believe in any more…. even though there is still a thread of hope, somewhere hidden, stubborn in you
Year after year, the same patterns and disappointments showed up again and again.
Is there are an end to this nightmare?
My answer to you is yes.
You can experience lightness, happiness and even bliss.
But it comes with a price 🙂
The price to pay here is called healing.
In the vicinity of your sorrow lay a large range of deep emotional and spiritual wounds
And in order to heal them, you need dedicated, laser-focused and consistent to tackle the parts of you that have been suppressed, repressed, abused, dismissed, ignored for years, even decades.
That sometimes has been so hidden in you, that only a very skilful healer can get to, like a surgeon with a sharp ability to decipher and remove what hurts and what has been crushing you for what feels like forever.
If you are ready to do that, I can help you.
Let’s start the year on a good note and let’s clear all the disappointments and pain you might have experienced in 2021
Let’s make 2022 a great year of manifesting your desires through healing 🙂
Join me on Monday January 10th 2022 at 2pm EST/ 7pm UK time for a very powerful session that will go very deep into the cracks of your soul and heal you very deeply.
Who’s in?