As an investor, I have been receiving daily requests on my LinkedIn profile from start ups that are seeking capital.
However as a private equity investor, start ups are not what I am focused on but rather established companies that are looking to exit or a spin-off of a group.
I came up with a solution for you if you are a start up that is seeking either seed or growth capital by combining my shamanic healing skills with finance .
Genius, don’t you think 😉 ?
Who is it for?
This is for you IF you say yes to the following questions
🔮Are you looking to raise capital from investors and are relentlessly cruising all networking groups online and offline with the hope that someone will be mesmerised by your vision through your amazing pitch and invest in your baby aka your promising company?
🔮Do you fear that once your investors are on board, they will put tremendous pressure on you to get their KPI met and you are no longer the master of your ship?
🔮 You are not into the numbers game but into quality and you know that it is about attracting the right investors with the same values as you
🔮 In other words, you want RELIABLE, GENUINELY INTERESTED INVESTORS WHO SHARE YOUR VISION AND WANT TO STAY WITH YOU IN THE LONG TERM not just a quick and dirty in an out experience
What will happen during this programme?
🔮 6 week intensive healing and preparation of your company to PREPARE IT FOR EXPANSION & ATTRACT THE RIGHT INVESTORS. This includes: ✨ raising the frequencies and the energy of your start up including your employees to get ready for the upgrade and expansion that you are planning with the capital raise ✨ highlighting what might represent red flags for potential investors energetically and what needs to be reviewed, tweaked, upgraded and/or enhanced in the company’s dynamics
🔮 Removal of all blockages to allow your business to be attractive to your ideal investors
🔮 Intensive coaching of the CEO over the 6 week period: 2 personal sessions a week with the CEO + unlimited access to Sabrina from Monday to Friday: sessions will be focused on the company AND the CEO
Click here to get started
Cauldron Equity Brew