What is the right balance between allowing yourself to feel and dwelling on your sorrows? I have seen and experienced both ends of the spectrum and also the vast range in between.
Feeling low and in despair was a default state for me for many years I desperately wanted to get out of. Hence the personal development quest that led me to the self discovery journey. Until I finally realised what I needed was healing. I believe we all need healing at some point of our lives.
Healing of the soul. A deep wound, or many, that never got addressed. That you have been carrying with you for years, knowingly or unknowingly, consciously or unconsciously. And despite the willpower, it keeps coming back after the high of the excitement of the moment of clarity and baby breakthrough step.
The trauma, misunderstanding, pain that can also translate into physical pain. Sometimes the most complex situations have the most simple answers. But you need to be willing to do the inner work, meaning look within and face the truths. And get help.
Because what might be obvious is not necessarily what you actually believe is causing you pain. A client who was struggling to take off his business was actually tied by all the promises he made to his family and wife to use the proceeds to pay for a lifestyle he so wanted to offer them and yet the pressure of performing based on these promises were causing stress, pressure and lack of progress.
Another female client who had throat cancer and worked with me post recovery who came to me to heal her depression realised she was in total denial of her own needs and wants. This heavy burden of unexpressed desires combined with some deep grief of a lost parent that she hadn’t dealt with for over 10 years was squashing her sense of self worth and aptitude as a capable and in fact inspiring single mother who had experienced and achieved so much.After performing what I sometimes call “psychic surgery” on them, they both experienced massive breakthroughs as a lot of negativity was released and healed, wounds were healed at the root and they both become healthier in their emotional and spiritual core.
In both instances, it took embracing the emotions whatever they were at that point in time to liberate themselves from the burden they were carrying.
Equally I had a client who used to feel depressed to feel so low so often. Vicious cycle much?
Well the pain was real though and not to be dismissed.
Whilst going through the healing process it was important for my client to realise that these burst of low vibes that used to occur so frequently despite the healing in progress were a sign that something just got triggered as a message from her soul that something deeper just got uncovered to be healed.
Which took my client on a much more empowering and forward looking approach to her healing journey. And as a result skyrocketed her growth and state even further.
Sometimes you might feel it never ends. And than it challenges your beliefs of life and what you “should” or “shouldn’t” expect, believe in and ask for as in your dreams and desires.
I often wondered about that myself. In the middle of the tears, fears and crisis mode. And after several years of inner work, research, hit and miss situations, the answer is not as glamorous as you might wish for. In fact it is very simple.
That being said, you will feel guided towards those who can help you get there faster. You can get healing from someone who follows a template.
Or you can feel drawn towards that person whose energy lifts you up and soothes you at the same time just by listening to them and being around them.
This is what happens to my client when work with me and spend time with me.
If you want to experience that breakthrough in such a powerful way, you can now do it.
I have created a special mastermind that will take you on a whole new level
What is it? Quantum Transformation Mastermind: The Magic Circle
It is a boot camp format to have a super quantum transformation with me by your side ca. 24h/7 over 3 months or 6 months
The programme includes
– A weekly live module for group healing and coaching with a theme that I will choose intuitively also in correlation with the energy of the group
– A weekly group live Q&A (with 15 min of individual healing for a few I will intuitively pick)
– Up to 2 sessions of 30min or 60min individual healing per week for each participants
– Unlimited access to me from Monday to Friday through messenger for remote healing, questions and constant support, etc.
– Access to all my courses and magic potions (existing and created) during the period of the Mastermind
– Discounts pour all my live events, VIP days (50% off)
– Opportunities to upgrade your network with like minded people with the same aspirations through my excuse private facebook group and private chat group.
This is the first time I am creating such a Mastermind. So the price might not stay that accessible for too long.
Here is the link for more information
DM to apply!