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50 Shades Course

Learn to let go of heavy energy and bring heightened awareness with the 50 Shades Course from The Magnificent Abundance Manifestor

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50 Shades Of Darkness, Light and Beyond

  • What if it was not you?

  •  What if you have been carrying a heavy, crappy energy that is not even yours?

  •  What if there was something outside of your control that infiltrated your energy at one point in time and kept creating chaos, distress and misery year after year after year in your life?
    It is a common trend in the personal development/healing industry to somewhat downplay the effect of darkness, by stating that mentioning it or paying attention is giving your power away. Yeah right. I did buy into this belief …. UNTIL…. Until I SAW and until I KNEW BETTER. It is actually how you react to it that matters.

  •  I don’t want to scare you but bring a heightened level of awareness to you for you to finally shed that layer that keeps you stuck and holds you back.

  •  Awareness widens your field of understanding and action. Fearful behaviour narrows it.
    The same way intuition is a subtle experience when you tap into it and want to develop it, the same way is the understanding the various shades of darkness and light for you to heal. It requires mastery and understanding the various subtleties of what this entails and how removing this cloud of negativity can be done in an optimal way.

  • So what am I saying?
    Believe in yourself, your guidance and your inner strength for sure.

  • However, it doesn’t take away the fact that there is darkness in this world and you might have been exposed to it without you knowing it.
    And this is where the big disaster is.
    You can search, search and search for years without finding solace because what you have been exposed to unknowingly is eating you inside and destroying your efforts, positivity and manifestation practice whether it is in money, career, business or love life.

This is changing TODAY!

We are going to explore and heal anything that got mixed up in your energy that has been draining you and sucking your energy dry no matter how much willpower you have.


This includes soul contracts, entities attachments, curses, hexes, oaths, vows or negative thought forms (also called egregores) that you were exposed to through family lineage, karma or thrown at you by a third party in this or other lifetimes or other realities. This can create real damage in your energy and as a result in your existence no matter how much inner work you’ve done as this falls outside of your influence and control.


Once it is removed, your life will experience a state of flow that you never experienced before.

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Who Is This For?

  • This course is for you if you have tried everything you possibly could to move forward and upwards and yet have experienced setback after setback after setback.

  •  It is also for you if you want to go supernatural once and for all and operate at full quantum speed by default as a way of life not because you pulled yourself together at times, here and then but because this is now a state of living. The thing here is that, in order to fly on the super highway, you need to shed the intangible layers that are weighing on you that nobody talks about unless you get access to their inner circle you know, and that no other personal development trainer or healer truthfully and honestly addresses.

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What Are You Getting?

  •  6 modules + 6 recorded Q&A Sessions over 6 weeks

  •  In Essence: removing any ounce of darkness that has been glued to your being and that is totally screwing up your vibes, your path and destiny

  •  Powerful Reset of Your Energy, purged from all the negativity that infiltrated your energy field and your body

  •  Set yourself for success by allowing yourself to always operate FREELY from a state of flow by default once all shapes and forms of negativity is removed

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The Content

Module  1 
  • MAKE PLEASURE YOUR SECOND NAME: this module is about freeing your sexual energy for greater pleasure of life and more enjoyment of your daily life. There will be a lot of intense healing happening around your sacral chakra by removing any sort of sexual restriction, shame and guilt around sexuality that were imposed on you (by family, society, your culture, ex partners who haven’t let go of you) but also self imposed. Your sexual energy is at the source of your inspiration, creation and pro-creation. If this is blocked and you haven’t embraced it fully, you are very likely to struggle with following your gut and choose to do what feels good to you. Indecision has been your long unwanted friend for a while. We are going to SHIFT all that!

  • Recorded Q&A: update and questions on what’s been happening, share experiences, insights and more questions

Module  2 
  •  IT ALL STARTS WITH PROTECTION: this module is about making sure you are totally immune to any psychic attacks and whatever negative energy is lingering in the air wherever you go and whatever you do. Filling with light is great but is it enough? Having a strong spiritual protection around you is important to take into account and to be taken seriously. Just saying you need to stay in state of high frequency at all times is not going to cut it. What about the days where you feel off and therefore are more vulnerable and exposed to any crappy vibes that happen to come or be sent your way. I am going to create a strong protection field or cloak for you in this module.

  • Recorded Q&A: update and questions on what’s been happening, share experiences, insights and more questions

Module  3 
  • LET ME UNTIE YOU: this module is about removing any walls, barriers blocks and attachment that you have had unknowingly and/or were sent to you by a third party consciously or unconsciously. This includes a wide range of negativity, let’s call it the 50 shades of darkness that I will be removing. This includes soul contracts, entities attachments, curses, hexes, oaths, vows or negative thought forms (also called egregores) that you were exposed to through family lineage, karma or thrown at you by a third party in this or other lifetimes or other realities. This will be an intense session so bring a bottle of water or two with you

  • Recorded Q&A: update and questions on what’s been happening, share experiences, insights and more questions

Module  4 
  • THE MORE, THE MERRIER: this module is about calling in your spiritual team to help you remove all the particles left in your field that might be left after the previous big decluttering from our previous module. Additionally, we go one step deeper and further and explore any past life hindrance that has been blocking your path for far too long.

  • Recorded Q&A: update and questions on what’s been happening, share experiences, insights and more questions

Module  5 
  • SHALL WE SWAP? this module refers to the universal law of giving and receiving also called the Law of Equivalence Exchange. This is about the amount of energy that is exchanged in any transaction. Everything has a price. So in exchange of having this negativity removed from your field and asking for what you desire, it is about committing to deliver some value aka energy in exchange. High vibes only of course!

  • Recorded Q&A: update and questions on what’s been happening, share experiences, insights and more questions

Module  6 
  • ROLE PLAY IT IS: here we are going to explore various scenarios and situations where you can find yourself that used to bring you down, or make you fearful, powerless and totally out of control. By the time this module takes place, your energy will have already gone up the ladder by such a stance that these once feared scenarios will no longer intimidate you, no matter what they are. I am going to simulate various scenarios with you and we are going to play with the energies you are feeling, vibrating at and how you bounce back with grace and ease.

  • Recorded Q&A: update and questions on what’s been happening, share experiences, insights and more questions

Bonus Module 7
  • THE MEDUSA EFFECT: in this module, I will add an extra layer of protection on top of what was covered in Module 2: IT ALL STARTS WITH PROTECTION. I literally saw fire when I was given the intuitive guidance to create this module for you. I will create a protection mechanism that will be so strong that like the medusa effect whatever negativity directed to you will be neutralised: either sent back to the sender with a lesson or will be diffused, however is best as per divine intelligence. I will be also giving a daily meditation to use in your daily rituals. This module has been added as a gift by me to ensure you are completely on your way to designing the life of dreams and make sure that nothing and nobody is stopping you.

  •  NO Q&A

  •  Lifetime Access to all the content

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Payment In Full

One Payment of $2,333

Payment Plan

11 month payment plan of $233

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In case you are not ready to go full on yet and you want to have a flavour of this course, then I highly recommend getting access to the 50 SHADES Workshops. Click here to find out all the details. It is a phenomenal way to get started before investing in the course.

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Explore the 50 Shades Course from The Magnificent Abundance Manifestor or use the links below to explore my other shamanic resources.
Thanks, Sabrina

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